Burn It Down! The battle cry for Change Unchained. The organization was founded by active-duty Navy Chief Petty Officer Troy Ulshoeffer and his wife Tiffany. They have been working with anti-human trafficking organizations since 2012. Troy and Tiffany have a true desire to assist in keeping our community safe from any form of trafficking. The focus for Change Unchained will be in, but not limited to, Pensacola, Florida and surrounding areas.
This tumbler was inspired by the AN M14 Thermite Grenade. A Thermite (TH3) incendiary hand grenade burns at 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2200 Celsius) used primarily to provide a source for intense heat to destroy enemy equipment in the form of engine blocks, artillery pieces, tank armor, and even small arms weapons. When you need to "Burn It Down", thermite is the way to go!